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February 22, 2018
Experts know that alcohol during pregnancy is a problem. But they might not have expected it to be so prevalent.…
February 8, 2018
Gerber announced Tuesday that the new face of their company would be none other than Lucas Warren, an 18-month-old boy…
August 21, 2017
Some women notice hair growth in what may seem like unusual places during pregnancy. So to get rid of this…
May 5, 2017
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, an unborn baby growing inside the shelter of his mother’s body. Many mothers would never…
Fertility Supplements
May 2, 2017
If a woman was taking anti-depressants before pregnancy, she will need to make a careful decision about continuing them.
February 2, 2017
The 12 week mark of your pregnancy is generally considered the ideal time to be sharing your exciting news. Why is…
January 29, 2017
I urge all mothers out there: please don't forget about the flu shot.
October 10, 2016
Can reading benefit an unborn baby? I received this question the other day from a very concerned pregnant patient of mine.…
folic acid and pregnancy
April 3, 2016
The reason you hear so much about folic acid and pregnancy is because this B vitamin protects against a group…
benefits of breastfeeding
April 1, 2016
Everyone thinks that the body is able to naturally prepare for breastfeeding. But for infants born prematurely or who are ill…