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Don't stop treating yourself, just because you are pregnant. Check out this guide to having a pampered pregnancy.

We talk about the health of the economy, our school systems, and our relationships.. but we never talk about creating…

Every parent gets worried over their child's exposure to chemical toxins. These are the top ways to curb these worries.

Either for fetal reasons or medical complications, some children must be delivered via caesarean section (commonly described as a c-section).

If parents hand out a device regularly could the technology slow early child development? One new finding did see a…

Choosing a car seat: You can reduce the risk by 70 percent simply by properly installing a child's safety seat…

Gerber announced Tuesday that the new face of their company would be none other than Lucas Warren, an 18-month-old boy…

Motor vehicle accidents are the No. 1 killer of children in the United States. You can reduce the risk by…