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May 29, 2015
Cancer in children: When a child develops cancer, everyone has the same question: Why? In most cases, there is no obvious explanation
packing for the hospital when having a baby
May 14, 2015
When you think about what to pack for the hospital when having a baby, start early: You don’t want to leave the packing until your water breaks and your contractions are one minute apart!
18 weeks pregnany
May 14, 2015
By the time you are 18 weeks pregnant, your baby’s bones are beginning to ossify, as cartilage hardens into bone. If you could see a picture of your baby now, he would look more like an infant — and less like the alien of just a few weeks ago.
May 13, 2015
Dads in the delivery room: Have you ever heard your dad talk about the day you were born? He may be able to describe the weather or the big story on the television news.
17 weeks pregnant
May 12, 2015
At 17 weeks pregnant, your baby is close to 5 inches long and weighs 3.5 ounces.
cellphone disturb fetuses
May 11, 2015
The finding is based on a small study that tracked fetal reactions to repetitive use of mobile phones during pregnancy among more than two dozen resident physicians while they were pregnant.
May 6, 2015
Is it normal to have constipation during pregnancy? Unfortunately, yes. Throughout your pregnancy, hormonal changes can result in sluggish digestion.
exercise and depression
May 4, 2015
Ask any woman, especially one with children and a mortgage, and you’re likely to get an earful on women and stress.
May 4, 2015
At 16 weeks pregnant you may feel your baby move this week — but don’t worry if you do not. Fetal movement — known as “quickening” — is normally detectable by the mother any time between the 16th and the 20th week of pregnancy.
May 4, 2015
If you’re an expectant father, there are a lot of ways you can support your partner during pregnancy — ones that don’t involve strapping on a prosthetic stomach.