Dr. Manny Recommends: The Preemie Primer by Jennifer Gunter, MD

Preemie Primer
Dr. Jennifer Gunter is an OBGYN and mother to twin sons, Oliver and Victor, who were born premature.  I can’t think of a person with more applicable experience, both professional and personal, to write a book on what to expect (& how to cope) if your baby is born before a full 37 weeks of pregnancy.Gunter’s book The Preemie Primer: A Complete Guide for Parents of Premature Babies – from Birth through the Toddler Years and Beyond is an exhaustive source of information for parents of premature children, covering topics that range from what to expect in labor and delivery to dealing with specialized nutrition and school programs.  It includes the latest medical information, insider tips, and Gunter’s own personal anecdotes.

I recommend this book to any family that finds themselves in a similar situation that Gunter and her husband found themselves in, when their two sons were delivered earlier than expected.
