Dear Dr. Manny,
I am cold all the time. I can’t seem to get warm. Could it be anemia? What causes anemia? What is diamond blackfan anemia? Does anemia make you cold? How do you fix anemia?
Anemia is a condition where the body is missing the required number of red blood cells to carry oxygen to the different parts of the body. Anemia is most commonly associated with fatigue and weakness.
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Anemia can be caused by other conditions and diseases. You might have an iron deficiency or a lack of hemoglobin. You might have a simple vitamin deficiency. If you don’t have enough vitamin B12, your body will develop anemia. Inflammation caused by cancers can also bring about anemia. Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and kidney disease are all linked to anemia.
Aplastic anemia, when your body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells, is deadly. It is linked to infections, medicines, and toxic chemicals.
Leukemia and other bone marrow diseases can cause anemia. Two kinds of anemia are their own conditions: hemolytic anemia and sickle cell anemia. These can be genetic.
Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow, which is inside your bones. Diamond blackfan anemia is when your marrow can’t make enough red blood cells for your body’s demands. It is based on a genetic mutation, which can either happen on its own or be handed down. It is usually diagnosed when a child is very young. It comes with a variety of birth defects, such as a small head, wide eyes, a flat nose, small ears, a small jaw, a short neck, small shoulder blades, and a cleft palate.
One of the most common symptoms of anemia is feeling cold. If you find yourself cold when no one else is, it might be worth it to make a doctor’s appointment.
Often the way to fix anemia is to fix the other condition that caused it. Iron supplements are needed for an iron deficiency. Vitamin B12 shots are needed to cure a vitamin deficiency anemia. People with severe anemia might need blood transfusions.
On your end, you might need to change your diet to have richer foods, especially if your anemia is deficiency related.
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