Report: Most new moms don’t meet own breastfeeding goals


The CDC has found that two-thirds of mothers fail to meet their own breastfeeding goals.  Based on these results, it seems there’s a lot of work that needs to be done.  The survey found several factors affect the long-term goals of new mothers in regards to breastfeeding – and among those, one is the experience during their hospital stays.  In New York, there’s a new policy not to give mothers free formula samples unless the mother specifically asks for it, which I believe should be implemented in hospitals around the country.  In addition, I believe breastfeeding education should begin before the mother delivers – not only so mothers understand techniques, but also so they understand the benefit of breast milk, both physically and psychologically in regards to mother-child bonding.  Mothers who work also need support at their jobs.  Companies should facilitate a safe environment where mothers can pump during the day. Click here to read more.
