One Month Pregnant

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Pregnancy is a happy and emotional event, especially if you are one month pregnant during your first pregnancy.  Here are some of the things to expect if you are one month pregnant as well as some tips and remedies that can help make pregnancy easier.

After the spermatozoa fertilizes the ovum, the newly conceived fetus begins the process of cell division. This means that the cells begin to multiply, forming the beginnings of the vital organs. In the first month of pregnancy, even before some mothers realize they are pregnant, your fetus is developing what it needs to survive in the outside world.

one month pregnant

One month pregnant – Developing

Out of the fertilized ovum form the future baby, placenta, the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid. The placenta provides nutrients for the fetus. The amniotic sac is a bag of fluid in which the unborn baby grows and develops. To keep the baby warm, the amniotic sac and fluid maintain a slightly higher temperature than the mother’s body, usually 99.7 F. The amniotic liquid is found inside the sac and it contains water, antibodies, hormones and nutrients.

Throughout the first month of pregnancy, the lungs, heart and spinal cord of your fetus will begin to form. It might seem incredible, but before the end of the second month of pregnancy, the heart of your developing infant will be able to pump blood on its own.

One month pregnant  – What’s happening inside?

Being one month pregnant will affect your body and also your psyche. After conception, your body starts to produce large amounts of progesterone to prevent menstruation and to ensure a healthy pregnancy. The female hormone progesterone is initially produced by the ovaries, but later the placenta takes over this role.

High levels of progesterone cause more blood to flow to the uterus and cause the uterine lining to thicken. This protects and facilitates the growth and development of your baby. Your kidneys increase in size during pregnancy by 1.5cm, and progesterone dilates the uterus and bladder, leading to the feeling of fullness that makes you feel like you need to urinate more often.

Being one month pregnant will cause hormonal changes to your body and can affect your moods. Some women find their libido increases, while others find it falls. Regardless, most women find that libido returns to normal during the second trimester, once morning sickness and fatigue have eased up.

You may notice that your level of energy has fallen. You are tired and find it difficult to stay up in the evenings. This fatigue occurs because your body uses huge amounts of energy to manage the development of your baby, and it needs energy to transform into the ideal environment for your baby’s growth.

Morning sickness partially stems from rapidly rising levels of estrogen and progesterone, which cause the stomach to empty more slowly, causing nausea and even vomiting to occur at any time of the day or night. Morning sickness can begin as early as the third week of pregnancy, but only 50 percent of mothers are affected by it.

Pregnant women also have a heightened sense of smell, so strong odors can trigger instant nausea. And you might find yourself repulsed by certain foods and smells.

One month pregnant  – Changing looks

If you are one month pregnant, there will be almost no change to the way you look. The baby grows slowly, to approximately 2-4 millimeters. Weight gain usuall will not begin until subsequent months, and it will be gradual. Your breasts may feel tingly, tender and unusually sensitive to touch, particularly in the first trimester. They may look bigger and fuller. The color of the areola, the skin around your nipples, will get darker. Your ankles might swell because of possible water retention in your body.

One month pregnant for fathers – How to help

A father can be hugely helpful and supportive to an expectant mother during the early stages of the pregnancy. She may become moody and feel needy, and may need more signs of love and support. Try to avoid stress and arguments, which can harm both mother and baby. If she has food cravings or morning sickness, try to listen and support her needs.

One month pregnant for mothers – First trimester tips

Rest. As an expectant mother, your body is going through serious changes. A pregnant woman needs more sleep than normal – about 8 to 10 hours per night. During sleep, your body works more effectively because you do not waste energy for other activities.

Do not refrain from urinating, even though it might be annoyingly frequent, in order to prevent bladder discomfort and other complications.

Do not lift heavy objects. Activities like lifting weights, carrying heavy objects or repetitive lifting should be avoided. You can exercise – aerobics and swimming are great.

Eat healthily. Eat as naturally as you can: foods full of vitamins, such as milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and honey are good. Try to avoid fatty meats, fast and processed foods and unhealthy additives. Eat plenty of cereals and fiber, such as rye, rice and muesli.

Your first month of pregnancy can be a period of adjustment. Throughout the month, try to put yourself first and take good care of yourself. As you get comfortable with the idea of becoming a mom, it’s very important to quit unhealthy habits, such as smoking and drinking, which harm your fetus. Regardless of your financial or social situation, try to think positively! Positive thinking is key to your own mental and physical well-being and the health of your future child.