Have You Increased Your Risk of a Brain Aneurysm Today?
A new study has compiled a list of everyday actions that can temporarily raise your risk of rupturing a brain aneurysm and suffering a stroke.
Check them out here:
-Coffee consumption (increases risk by 10.6 percent)
-Vigorous physical exercise (7.9 percent)
-Nose blowing (5.4 percent)
-Sexual intercourse (4.3 percent)
-Straining to defecate (3.6 percent)
-Cola consumption (3.5 percent)
Being startled (2.7 percent)
-Being angry (1.3 percent)
How many of those “risky” activities have you done today? No need to worry excessively – intracranial aneurysms (IAs) only affect an estimated 2 percent of the general population, and most never rupture.
The reason these activities increase the risk of an IA rupture, according to researchers, is that they all cause a sudden and short increase in blood pressure, which seems to be a common cause for aneurysmal rupture.
The study was published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.